APTAMD Advocacy Day Information

Together we are Stronger

APTAMD’s annual physical therapy impact day is where we meet with legislators and their staff to promote our profession and advocate for the patients and communities we serve.

Top Issues
Proper payment
Value of physical therapy
Delays with insurance credentialing
Regs to Address Insurers Response Time to Providers

Your Legislators Want to Hear from You

APTAMD Advocacy Toolkit

Free Webinar for Members and Lobby Day Participants:
Becoming a Life Long Advocate for the Profession

Earn one (0.1) CEU with this online course.  It is vital that PTs, PTAs, and students of physical therapy make a connection with their legislators, so they understand our priorities as a profession. This includes the importance of advocating for policies that address social determinants of health with effect patient outcomes. This course will teach you:
1. How and where to communicate with legislators 2. How to create a long term professional relationship with your legislator
3. Tips for Meeting with legislators
4. The impact of social determinants of health on the communities we serve
5. Advocacy to remove barriers to care

Get Informed. Familiarize yourself with current issues and legislation affecting the physical therapy profession in Maryland. Think about how you might start a conversation with your representative. Why is it important for PTs and PTAs to support this piece of legislation? Fact sheets regarding bills and legislative efforts for Advocacy Day are below and will be available  in your advocacy day packets.

Onsite – Annapolis

  • Bring a photo ID. At the capital you may be asked to present a photo ID. Please remember that we will be going into a government building and may be asked to wait in lines at security.

For District and Virtual Meetings

  • Dress appropriately. Business attire is expected as we will be representing the profession when we speak with state legislators.
  • Your legislator may be in session or pulled to another meeting, do not be discouraged.
  • Be Informed – Review our talking points
  • Research your legislator – do they have a history of supporting the profession and issues we value. If not, research opposing arguments to any issues you pan to discuss and be prepared to explain your position
  • Be respectful
  • Be on time
  • Capture the moment – take a photo and upload to social media. Tag the chapter and your legislator!
  • Send a Thank You. Include a photo from your visit if you took one at the meeting. We will send you their email and office address the day of the event.
  • Fill out our debrief form and let us know if the Chapter can provide any follow up information. You can also e-mail or Call the APTAMD to let us know how your visit went. 

Sample Invitation Letter

How to Prepare

  • Be Informed – Review our talking points
  • Research your legislator – do they have a history of supporting the profession and issues we value. If not, research opposing arguments to any issues you pan to discuss and be prepared to explain your position
  • Be respectful
  • Be on time
  • Capture the moment – take a photo and upload to social media. Tag the chapter and your legislator!
  • Send a Thank You. Include a photo from your visit if you took one at the meeting.
  • Follow up. Be sure to follow up on your ask and on any requests for additional information.
  • Fill our our debrief form and let us know if the Chapter can provide any follow up information. You can also e-mail or Call the APTAMD  to let us know how your visit went.