June 5, 2020
APTA of Maryland members,
We have received strong support for our Statement on Racism and Systemic Inequality and feel fortunate that our official duties provide us with a platform to voice the concerns of our members in these present times. Public health and human rights, in addition to many other relevant social issues that impact our patients, are essential concerns for any health profession organization. Clearly, however, making statements is not enough.
Understandably, many of our members feel powerless to affect change in issues as widespread as racism and systemic inequalities. During our current period of protracted social isolation, these feelings are even more magnified. Today, we announce the formation of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee and welcome the participation of members throughout Maryland to learn, converse, and implement ideas to provide guidance to members on issues that are relevant to DEI in physical therapy.
We encourage our student members to participate in this group as well. Please get in touch with us by contacting: aptamd@aptamd.org We look forward to your increased involvement in this great profession!
APTA Maryland
Lauri Jacobson, Executive Director (@APTAofMaryland)
Kevin Platt, President
Roy Film, Vice President (@RoyFilmDPT)
Rachel Skolky, Secretary
Lee Miller, Treasurer
Cara Felter, Director for Education
JD Sheppard, Director for Government Relations (@jdsheppard)
Mike Zarro, Director for Practice (@mjzarro)
Carol Zehnacker, Director for Reimbursement (@fitmompt)
Gretchen Michaels, Central District Chair
Monique Caruth, Southern District Chair (@fyzio4u)
Stephanie Thomson, PTA Caucus Representative
Linda Horn, Chief Delegate