Elections are open now through Nov. 30. Any APTA student member can vote. View the 2022-2023 slate of candidates.
Hello Everyone, my name is Patrick Luo and I’m a 2nd year Student Physical Therapist at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES). I’m running for the Student Delegate position on the APTA Student Board of Directors.
The Student Delegate position represents student members during the APTA House of Delegates which is very similar to a senator representing your voice during White House meetings. I’ve served as the Maryland Student Delegate, Maryland Core Ambassador, and UMES Liaison for the Student Special Interest Group (SSIG) this past year and represented the voices of student PTs and PTAs during the Delegate and SSIG meetings. Additionally, the SSIG members and I hosted a successful hybrid National Advocacy Dinner last July to help us understand how democratic engagement affects our ability to practice as PTs/PTAs when we graduate and our schooling process.
I hope to represent all SPTs and SPTAs by listening to as many people’s perspectives on how to improve the student experience, voice our opinions on the house motions to ensure students are not left behind, and create opportunities for improved involvement. I would appreciate it if you could check out my candidate statement to learn more about myself and the other candidates so you can be an informed voter then vote. The voting system is open now til Nov. 30th.
If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I’m more than happy to set up a video call!