Fair Copays Legislation

Patient Stories

Help us share the impact high copays have on your patients ability to pay for the cost of physical therapy care when they have to pay $450-$500 in co-pays a month in order to receive care. We want to share these stories of patients choosing to forego care, which then delays recovery or, in worse case scenarios, patients fail to benefit from the surgical intervention. 

APTA Maryland is making the case for fair copays but to achieve this, it will take a multi pronged approach.

The Chapter is pursuing legislation in 2022 that could impact regulated health plans in Maryland which accounts for about 30% of plans in the state. 

We are also looking at state programs that provide financial assistance, pilots with health plans.

Learn more about our efforts by joining our government relations committee and or by participating in Physical Therapy Impact Week in Annapolis Feb 7-14th. 

The Issue: Patients typically see a physical therapist multiple times during an episode of care, but excessive copays can make that difficult—maybe even impossible for some. Under certain health plans, copayments for physical therapy services, some exceeding $60 per visit, also can exceed the reimbursement paid by the plan to the provider of care. High copayments for physical therapy are one reason that some consumers opt to reduce their frequency of treatment or forgo medically necessary care.