The macroeconomic review of eight conditions shows how the long-lasting quality-of-life improvements gained from physical therapy can lead to significant economic benefits.
Read the Report
APTA’s new report goes beyond a simple comparison of treatment costs to show how physical therapist services are more cost-effective than other courses of care.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an economic evaluation analysis? What does “net benefit” mean? What is the report’s intended impact? Get answers to these questions and more.
APTA’s Nationwide Campaign: Help Spread the Word Help drive change among consumers, policymakers, payers, and employers. Join APTA in promoting the findings: Access downloadable social media graphics, infographics, and an op-ed letter template (and more resources are on the way). See more ways you can help raise awareness of the profession of physical therapy and the impact each of you have on a daily basis.
- Post at least one social media post each week. If you or your program/chapter/clinic does not have social media using an email blast will work as well. Also, if you’re comfortable this can be done and shared on your personal computer.
- Be sure to use #PTMovesMe
- Encourage your fellow colleagues, classmates, co-workers, etc. to repost.
- Social media templates for the month can be found on the ChoosePT National PT Month toolkit.