Annual Conference Registration

Regular Price $250.00

Location: Howard Community College HSC Bldg Columbia, MD

See below for morning and afternoon course selection, RSVP for APTAMD Member Meeting, and to note any special dietary requests. Note you are either selecting the full day course or the am & pm courses.
Morning Course Tracks

Afternoon Course Tracks

Full Day Course

APTA Maryland Honors and Awards Ceremony

APTA Maryland Happy Hour and Networking at Union Jacks

Special Dietary Requests

Name on Badge
You need to enter less than 40 characters.


APTA Maryland Members SAVE $75
Please Note – If you purchase your registration after October 25th, you will need to add your name to the sign in sheets for any courses you attend as all materials have been printed.

Meeting Rates

Not a member? Join APTAMD before you register to take advantage of meeting discounts and countless other member benefits.

If you are a member of a chapter other than Maryland, you can add the Maryland Chapter as a corresponding chapter and still save on registration.

Member Non-Member Registration Discounts
 Early Bird Registration (on or before September 14) $75 $150 Student Registration Click Here
 General Registration (September 15 – October 25) $150 $225 Group Registration Click Here
 On Site Registration $175 $250

Education Credit: The APTAMD Annual Conference meets the basic criteria for seven credit hours by the Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners.